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Releasing new versions

Preparing the release

  • Understand what changes we are shipping by inspecting unreleased commits
git co main
git pull origin main --rebase
git log $(git describe --abbrev=0 --tags)...HEAD --oneline
  • Determine next release version according to SemVer
  • Create a short-lived branch
git checkout -b ufs/release-x.y.z

Creating a release

  • Ensure the next release is prepared (as described above)
  • Execute the CD Workflow
  • Go to the releases page
  • Review the release draft and add any final touches (for instance, updating RenovateBot identity name)
  • Publish the release 🚀

Updating distributions

  • Clone dotanuki-labs/homebrew-taps
  • Create a branch like ufs/gradle-wiper-x.y.z
  • Update the gradle-wiper.rb formula with proper version and checksums
  • Raise a PR